Le bol qui a fait perdre du poids à plus de 32 000 bolistes

Bol d'air Laure Hirtz

Breath of fresh air Dietician Nutritionist

In the complex world of nutrition and digestive health, it is essential to find dedicated and passionate experts who guide individuals towards informed food choices. It is in this quest for a better understanding of the importance of food in our well-being that we had the opportunity to interview Laure, dietitian-nutritionist.

1. To begin, could you share with us some information about your journey as a dietitian-nutritionist and what inspired you to get into the field of nutrition?

My name is Laure and I have been a dietitian nutritionist for many years. I started my career working for a catering company for around ten years then I set up as a freelancer specializing in digestive pathologies. I am convinced that diet plays a vital role in our health and in the treatment of many pathologies and the prevention of complications. 👩🏻‍⚕️🤸🏻‍♀️

2. Can you explain to our readers what the Low FODMAP diet is and how it can influence digestion and overall well-being?

The Low fodmap diet is a dietary protocol used to identify intolerances to certain foods containing fermentable carbohydrates. It is recommended for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and therefore experiencing digestive disorders to reduce daily symptoms. To date, it is the only method scientifically recognized as effective for more than 70% of patients with this pathology.

3. Nutrition plays a crucial role in our health. Could you give us some concrete examples of how good food choices can help prevent certain diseases and improve our overall well-being?

Sufficient daily consumption of fruits and vegetables plays an important role, recognized in the prevention of numerous pathologies, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and several digestive cancers. Let's make sure we eat vegetables at every meal. Sugar and sweet products are responsible for multiple disruptions to the functioning of our body, let's try to limit them and consume them occasionally. 🍇🍉🍌🍍🍎🍒🥝

4. What are the main challenges people face when it comes to eating a healthy and balanced diet on a daily basis, and what are your recommendations for overcoming them?

The main challenges are finding the right information to know what to consume, when, how and in what quantities. My main recommendation is to consult a health professional specializing in the field of nutrition such as doctor-nutritionists and dietician-nutritionists who can give you personalized advice adapted to your state of health, your lifestyle, your eating habits. Take care of your health by contacting the right professionals! 🍽️🌿🧘🏻‍♀️

5. As an experienced dietician-nutritionist, could you share some simple but effective tips to improve the quality of our daily diet?

Favor “homemade” preparations, cook simple dishes, with raw and seasonal products and avoid as much as possible products processed by manufacturers and in another area listen to your food sensations, your body is a wonderful machine that sends you messages. information throughout the day, listen to it! 😉

6. Hydration is an often overlooked aspect of nutrition. Could you explain why it is important to stay hydrated and give tips for integrating this habit into our routine?

Our body is made up of 60 to 70% water, water is found everywhere in the body, it is present in all bodily fluids (blood, sweat, saliva, digestive juices, etc.), in the organs (brain, kidney , heart), in muscles, cells and even the skeleton. We use water throughout the day so it is important to consume it regularly. Always have a water bottle on hand and drink water before you are thirsty! 💧

7. With the wealth of nutrition information available, it can be difficult to separate facts from myths. How can you help people make informed food decisions and avoid common pitfalls?

I say it again, go and consult health professionals specializing in nutrition, there are only 2: nutritionists and dietician-nutritionists. Everyone else has neither the right nor the skills to give you nutritional advice that will take care of your health capital. Dietary consultations are covered by most mutual insurance companies, so don’t hesitate! 👩🏻‍⚕️🥗🍽️🌾

8. What do you think about the maju concept and how it can influence dietary practices and individual well-being?

It is a tool that I have integrated into my professional practice for certain people who must be vigilant about the quantities of food to consume, this allows me to avoid the concept of weighing food which is very restrictive. 🥣

9. To conclude, if you had to give one essential nutritional tip to our readers who want to improve their health and well-being, what would it be?

Be careful about the composition of your plate while enjoying yourself, no food is prohibited, avoid following the latest fashionable nutritional trends which are often very restrictive and can lead to eating disorders. Prepare your own meals and move regularly! 🤾🏻‍♀️☀

10. For readers who would like to learn more about your nutrition services or contact you for advice, where can they find you online or contact you?

You can consult my website: www.axenutrition.fr or contact me by telephone at to find out more. I consult in Narbonne and Sigean and I also carry out video consultations. Do not hesitate to contact me for more information.